Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Shopping and Hampton Court

We took it easy today. Some us when shopping first part of the day. Bought a couple of things. Jenny, had to go see the Apple store here in London. There are three of stores. We went to the Flagship store. It was cool to see the store and the different way they have the store. The apple store is two stories here. All their classes and are upstairs. This sore is way cooler than the Modesto store. New York Apple store still rocks.The cube!!! After, going there we headed across the street to the Nike town. You think that the store would have all sport kind of Nike stuff. Nope it had their football section and tennis no other sport stuff. Done shopping there, we headed back to Covent garden. Did a little shopping here. They have a Disney store there. Found a item there that a friend has been looking for their daughter that they been able to find in the States. Finally, our travels for the day took to a place called Hampton Court. This was a bit of a drive. We had lunch a true English pub. At the pub, Jenny oh course had a pint of Ale. Not a cold Ale to drink. I like my Ale cold. I drank it though. Finishing lunch we walked to Hampton Court Palace.

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