Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day at Windsor

Woke up this morning, looking outside it looked a little cloudy. George, Sue, Janelle and Jenny went out to Windsor. Here we went to Windsor Castle.This is were the Queen of England stays. We walked around the grounds at Windsor Castle. There was a lot to see there. We saw things like the Royal Standard flying from the Round Tower. The chapel there known as St. George's Chapel. That was beautiful inside. We wish we could show you pictures. Taking pictures inside of the chapel is not aloud. It rained while we were here. Changing of the guard was fun to see. After touring the grounds, we eat lunch in a Thai food place. We headed back to the hotel after lunch, so we could met up with the second group. We got to the hotel. The second group was a little tried from the trip. So, we didn't make it to the Tower of London today. However, some of us took a little drive down the road to the big department store. There we looked around at the lovely things they have to offer there. Yes, the second group did make it. We just got done having dinner with each other.

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