Thursday, August 6, 2009

Last day in London

First of all wishing my brother Jonathan a Happy Birthday on Aug 5th. No, posting last night since we were all on our way to South Africa. Before doing that we all went on toured Buckingham Palace. This time of year the state room are opened for touring. It was neat to see the famous palace known as Buckingham palace.There are 19 state rooms in the palace. The Queen this time of the years goes to Balmoral. What a neat place to see. Especially this time of year. Some of the things you got to see in the palace were things like the gifts from other places that were given to the queen. You sure did get your exericse walking through this palace. Getting out of Buckingham Palace, the guards were being changed. Lots and lots of people viewing the changing of the guard. Done touring for now back to the hotel and pack for our long flight to South Africa.

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