Monday, August 3, 2009

The Lion King

All of 13 of us went to see the Lion King at the Theater on Sunday.No, this wasn't the movie version.We met up there after all of us did our own thing. The Lion King was playing at the Lyceum Theater. It was a great play. The animals really come to life in the play. What a neat play. We all didnt get to sit together. Boys together and the girls sat together. It was a packed house. There were a lot of kids there with their mom and dads. Some of us had a hard time staying awake. It was long... After the play we went to a English place for dinner. Having a meal over here in a resturant takes awhile. Of course some of us a a pint to drink.


  1. how fun jenny!! lion king is one of my favorite broadway plays...looks like you guys are having an awesome time!! keep the pictures coming...

  2. Thanks.. I have a lot of photos. I will have to come out there and show them to you guys.
