Friday, August 7, 2009

The Dedication of Ellenwood Home

A very special day, here in the South Africa. Today, is the day that Acres of Love deadcation the home called Ellenwood. We woke this morning having a wonderful breakfast with members of Acres of Love. At this breakfast our family was briefed on Acres of Love. Listening to Ryan and Gerda founders of Acres talk about how Acres came about. Watching and listening you could see the interest that our family had. Especially watching some of the old kids. They were really in tuned. Having a little break, we proceed to the dedication of Ellenwood home. It was a chance for us to pray for the home and the children of this home. The dedication was a very nice event. Staff members came from Acres of Love which included admin, house moms and many more. The special part was that kids from some of the homes. Even Ellenwood kids got to come and share the great joy or the blessing of their home called Ellenwood. It was a tearful event for some of us. To share to love and give this kids a home that they can call home is special. Writing this I can go on and on about the joy and compassion that the Acres of Love and others have for these children. Having so many pictures of this children its so hard to pick the one that I what to post. We hope to share the love and compassion with you after seeing where these kids came from to where they are now in a happy place called Acres of Love in the Ellenwood home and many more homes.

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