Friday, August 14, 2009

Back in London

We all arrived in London early this morning. Some of us stayed at the airport to continue home to California. The the other half are staying a couple of days in London. Yes, that would be the first group Janelle, Jenny, George and Sue. We are just hanging out today. Going to have tea which is a big thing here. Its like English lunch here. The English tend to have a late dinner. Thinking about going out to take some night pictures of London. However, don't know if I will make it or not.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kruger National Park

Sorry haven't able to post. We have all been out in the Bush the last couple of days. We flew out of Jo burg to Nelspruit. It was about a hour flight. Flying and hour then driving a hour in a half to our final place. Though driving a hour in a half isn't like home. The last half of the drive was on a dirt and bumpy road. On the dirt road is were joined up with the bush. Driving on this dirt road, you could see animals in the bush. Finally getting to out game reserve called Londolozi. Here we were met by a group of their staff members to make us feel welcome and check us in. At Londolozi, the family took over the tree camp. Every morning and afternoon we got to go on a game drive with Jessica and Tom along with our trackers. There was two Land Roover that took the family out into the bush search for what we could find next. We never knew what we were going to see. Each group saw something different than other other group. Sometimes we would met up with the other group if they had found something. We all got to see what is know as the Big Five. After our of morning game drive which was for a couple hours, we would come back and have a huge breakfast. Relaxing in the afternoon about 3 we would have high tea and then headed out for another game drive. The neat thing about Londolozi is its known for Leopards. Well, sure enough we all got to see a Leopard which is a rare thing to see. Being out on a game drive all afternoon you come back and the camp manger and her staff have dinner arranged for us on the grounds somewhere. Sometime you can even have a Hyena come through dinner and take a visit. Yes, we had this happen to us the first night we were there. We had a great time out in the bush at Londolozi with the staff. You never know whats going to happen out int he bush you might in get stuck in the river trying to go find some Lions. You think I'm joking nope. So we had a great time seeing the animals in their natural place of living instead of being behind some bars at a zoo.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Dedication of Ellenwood Home

A very special day, here in the South Africa. Today, is the day that Acres of Love deadcation the home called Ellenwood. We woke this morning having a wonderful breakfast with members of Acres of Love. At this breakfast our family was briefed on Acres of Love. Listening to Ryan and Gerda founders of Acres talk about how Acres came about. Watching and listening you could see the interest that our family had. Especially watching some of the old kids. They were really in tuned. Having a little break, we proceed to the dedication of Ellenwood home. It was a chance for us to pray for the home and the children of this home. The dedication was a very nice event. Staff members came from Acres of Love which included admin, house moms and many more. The special part was that kids from some of the homes. Even Ellenwood kids got to come and share the great joy or the blessing of their home called Ellenwood. It was a tearful event for some of us. To share to love and give this kids a home that they can call home is special. Writing this I can go on and on about the joy and compassion that the Acres of Love and others have for these children. Having so many pictures of this children its so hard to pick the one that I what to post. We hope to share the love and compassion with you after seeing where these kids came from to where they are now in a happy place called Acres of Love in the Ellenwood home and many more homes.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

First day in South Africa

Traveling on a airplane for almost 11 hours is a long time. Flying all night, trying to get some sleep. Some of us were able to sleep more than others. The first group arrived at 6:30 am and the second group arriving shortly after. Collecting our bags and the bags that are for the kids, we were finally headed off to of hotel. When clearing customs, we met up with people from Acres of Love(Paul and Toni. The van and driver picked us up. The funny thing was the van had a small little trailer to put of bags in. Driving to the hotel there was a lot of traffic on the way more than home. Arriving to the hotel we checked in and went to our rooms. Little after getting the first group checked in the second group arrived. Resting a bit and having a bite to eat. We all went for a tour of the city called Joburg or Johannesburg and Soweto. A long the way the tour guide/driver of the van showed us places like the home of Nelson Mandela. Really, what we went to see was Soweto. This is where a lot of the kids from Acres of Love came from. Soweto included poor housing, overcrowding, high unemployment and poor infrastructure. This has seen settlements of shacks made of corrugated iron sheets becoming part of the Soweto landscape. It was so sad to drive and see this. Visiting Soweto today, we all got out of the van and went to see a preschool. Bringing fruit snack treats for the little kids in this preschool. At the little preschool the kids are laying on the floors on these settlements with no beds. The site of this about does you in. Mind you the kids have basically nothing to their names. The pictures say a thousands words. While, at the preschool the kids sang for us the ABC's it was so cute but so sad. They loved the fruit snacks that we brought from home. Katie, Aaron, Jessica, Riley, Conner and Miranda past out the treat for the kids.They LOVED them. The kids in the preschool were highfives. A picture is a thousand words. It says it all. Getting back to the hotel, again trying to rest. We done really know what that means anymore. The group of us and the people from Acres of Love went out to dinner. Dinner was great, getting to talk to Ryan, Gerda, Paul and Toni. We all sat and talked and shared about all or our lives.

Last day in London

First of all wishing my brother Jonathan a Happy Birthday on Aug 5th. No, posting last night since we were all on our way to South Africa. Before doing that we all went on toured Buckingham Palace. This time of year the state room are opened for touring. It was neat to see the famous palace known as Buckingham palace.There are 19 state rooms in the palace. The Queen this time of the years goes to Balmoral. What a neat place to see. Especially this time of year. Some of the things you got to see in the palace were things like the gifts from other places that were given to the queen. You sure did get your exericse walking through this palace. Getting out of Buckingham Palace, the guards were being changed. Lots and lots of people viewing the changing of the guard. Done touring for now back to the hotel and pack for our long flight to South Africa.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Shopping and Hampton Court

We took it easy today. Some us when shopping first part of the day. Bought a couple of things. Jenny, had to go see the Apple store here in London. There are three of stores. We went to the Flagship store. It was cool to see the store and the different way they have the store. The apple store is two stories here. All their classes and are upstairs. This sore is way cooler than the Modesto store. New York Apple store still rocks.The cube!!! After, going there we headed across the street to the Nike town. You think that the store would have all sport kind of Nike stuff. Nope it had their football section and tennis no other sport stuff. Done shopping there, we headed back to Covent garden. Did a little shopping here. They have a Disney store there. Found a item there that a friend has been looking for their daughter that they been able to find in the States. Finally, our travels for the day took to a place called Hampton Court. This was a bit of a drive. We had lunch a true English pub. At the pub, Jenny oh course had a pint of Ale. Not a cold Ale to drink. I like my Ale cold. I drank it though. Finishing lunch we walked to Hampton Court Palace.

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Lots to do

Today, each group did their own thing. However, everyone met at the London eye at a little before 11 am London time. The London eye is a BIG ferries wheel. Each car on the London eye hold 25 people. On a day like today, which was sunny you could see everything you wanted. Such as things like Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and the list goes on. It takes 30 minute to go completely around. After riding the eye, the two groups went different ways. I only know what the my group did. We went to Westminster Abbey. Here we took the audio tour of Abbey. If you don't know what Abbey is its a church where church service are still held. But there are famous people buried here. It is beautiful on the inside. Photographing is not aloud inside. So, I'm really sorry that I cant show you. After, having lunch at a really old place called Rules. Just put it this way its not fast food.LOL...Finally, some of us met back at the hotel and went to church at Westminster Abbey. What a nice service. We went to hear the choir Evensong. However, they are are break. It was nice. Some time back at the hotel before dinner. To top the day off we went to dinner having Italian food. Its was very good.

The Lion King

All of 13 of us went to see the Lion King at the Theater on Sunday.No, this wasn't the movie version.We met up there after all of us did our own thing. The Lion King was playing at the Lyceum Theater. It was a great play. The animals really come to life in the play. What a neat play. We all didnt get to sit together. Boys together and the girls sat together. It was a packed house. There were a lot of kids there with their mom and dads. Some of us had a hard time staying awake. It was long... After the play we went to a English place for dinner. Having a meal over here in a resturant takes awhile. Of course some of us a a pint to drink.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bridge Tower

I didn't get this posted last night. For some of us the Bridge Tower was of second stop yesterday after the Tower of London. After visiting the Tower, we walk across the Bridge Tower. It stand over the River Thames in London since 1894 and is one of the finest, most recognisable bridges in the world. One of the things that you can do on the bridge is take views from the high-level walkways. Up there you can learn about the history of the bridge. None of us wanted to walk up all the stairs to get there. From the bridge you can see City Hall and the tower of London. As you stand on the bridge you can see the river boats taking people on cruises. We just walked across the bridge from one side to the other.

Tower of London

This morning all of us got up and headed out for a eventful day. Today was filled with lots of stuff. The day began by driving to the Tower of London. The Tower of London is ancient stones reverberate with dark sercets, priceless jewels. A little history, the Conqueror in 1066-7, is one of the most famous fortresses and a World Heritage site. We got here early due tot he crowds later on in the day. There are several things to see here at the Tower of London. New for 2009, is the Henry VIII; Dressed to kill. One of the items here is the Crown Jewels, Ravens(not the Baltimore Ravens), Medieval Palace, the Moat and several other things. Maybe even a medieval guy trying to do something to one of our family member. Can you guess who? This was only one of our stops today.Look for the next stop that some of us did.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day at Windsor

Woke up this morning, looking outside it looked a little cloudy. George, Sue, Janelle and Jenny went out to Windsor. Here we went to Windsor Castle.This is were the Queen of England stays. We walked around the grounds at Windsor Castle. There was a lot to see there. We saw things like the Royal Standard flying from the Round Tower. The chapel there known as St. George's Chapel. That was beautiful inside. We wish we could show you pictures. Taking pictures inside of the chapel is not aloud. It rained while we were here. Changing of the guard was fun to see. After touring the grounds, we eat lunch in a Thai food place. We headed back to the hotel after lunch, so we could met up with the second group. We got to the hotel. The second group was a little tried from the trip. So, we didn't make it to the Tower of London today. However, some of us took a little drive down the road to the big department store. There we looked around at the lovely things they have to offer there. Yes, the second group did make it. We just got done having dinner with each other.