Friday, July 31, 2009

Box Wood Cafe

Tonight we ate at a wonderful place for dinner called the Box Wood Cafe. Have you ever heard of Gordan Ramsay. It was very good. If you ever want to eat there it is right around the corner from the Berkeley. Great food. Looking forward to getting up in the morning and heading to Windsor Castle.

The first group made it

After leaving Modesto, we arrived in SFO awaiting our plane to London. Our plane out of SFO was a little late. The four of us (George, Sue, Janelle and Jenny) got on the British Airways airplane. We all got in our seats. George and Sue had a little trouble finding their seats. They sat in the wrong seats. They stayed there after all. Getting all settled in our seats, the people on the plane that took care of us, quickly got us something to drink and eat(dinner). After having dinner, the lights were turned off and we all tried to go to sleep. Some of us did go to sleep. You could hear them snoring we wont say any names. After, sleeping a few hours it was time to wake up and get ready to have breakfast which was like at 4 or 5 am somewhere in there. We finally landed at Heathrow airport. After waiting on the tar max we finally got off the plane. Walking a mile or so to go through the line of granting you entrance into England. We got our bags all of them including the bags for the house filled with stuff for the kids in South Africa. Our car and driver met us to take us to our hotel. Dad(George) told us don't get in on the right side of the van. If you don't know that's were the driver seats. They are backwards here. The van was packed to the hill aka Sue asked the driver if there was a Starbucks near the hotel. So we made a pit stop at Starbucks to get mom a pick me up. Yes, she loves her Starbucks. Of course we all end up with something. Finally, we made it to our hotel called the Berkeley. We are all in our rooms. It is almost 5:00pm here. The second group will be arriving tomorrow to join up with us.